- improve your personal brand

How to Improve Your Personal Brand and Online Resume

You’ve probably heard this a million times: Personal branding is crucial to the success of a job search. If you are looking for online work, you have to have a strong online presence.

So how do you go about creating a personal branding resume?

Stronger Personal Brand as Online Resume

1. Have an online presence.

If you want to work online, it makes sense to have an online presence. It means you should be present enough on the web that employers can easily find your LinkedIn profile, content you have created, your Twitter account, or your personal web page just by typing your name into Google.

Ideally, when you google your name, the first page should be filled with relevant results about you. Your Google results should reflect the reputation you’ve worked so hard to build offline.

google your name - personal brand

Tip #1: Sign out of your Google account (or use incognito) when you google your name. As Google employs personalized and local searches, signing out  will give you neutral results that better represent your overall online reputation.


2. Use your real name.

Using your real name across all your social media accounts makes it easier to build a stronger personal brand online. It is a good idea to use the name your potential employers or clients will actually use when they Google your name. Use the name on your resume or business card.

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Not:  Princess Jam

Tip #2:  Have a personal website and register your own domain name.


3. Use a professional looking profile picture, especially on LinkedIn.

Whether in real or in virtual life, it is important to make a professional first impression. You would want to have a profile photo that reflects your confidence and credibility. Use a recent solo photo, wearing an appropriate attire.

Once you’ve gone to the time and trouble to create a professional looking photo, it pays to use it across all your online accounts.

Tip #3: If you can, hire a photographer or visit a studio for your professional headshot.

4. Be active in social media.

To cement your online brand, you need to be active in social media. BUT make sure your accounts showcase your skills and experience. Be mindful of what content you share with the public.

 Tip #4: Identify the essential social media networks that best connects you to your ideal employers/clients. For example, creatives may best use Instagram and Flickr.

5.  Be creative!

Branding allows for you to show the unique value you bring to the table and allows for the employers to get a real insightful look at who you are and what you are all about.

Lovette Jam is a freelance digital professional on a mission to help young professionals improve how they MAKE money, SAVE money, and MANAGE money. She also enjoys helping fellow solopreneurs and online freelancers successfully navigate the digital landscape. For fun, she enjoys traveling, binge-watching TV series, reading books, cooking when the mood strikes, and “stalking” (of course, this is meant as a joke) people online.
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