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Yesterday marked the 10th anniversary of Iligan Bloggers Society, Inc! Can’t believe a decade has passed since we started IBS. 😍

We started this blogging community 10 years ago with the main goal of highlighting #IliganCity on the Internet and counter the negative perspective about our beloved city. Together, we explored our city, visiting the majestic waterfalls Iligan is known for so we can show its beauty to the rest of the world. We attended local festival celebrations and tried local delicacies to showcase our rich and colorful culture. We shared our stories through our blogs and social media presence and invited others to #ExperienceIligan.
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We organized learning sessions for us to improve on our writing and photography skills and taught each other the technical aspects of blogging and digital marketing — sometimes in more formal settings, more often in random coffee sessions.
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What I love about this community is everyone’s burning passion for his craft and obsession with growth. But more importantly, I appreciated everyone’s generosity and willingness to step up.
IBS was there in the frontlines helping with the #OneForIligan campaign when Sendong devastated the city. We became part of the city’s Tourism Council and earned a seat at the ICT Council.
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Over the years, we partnered with brands and worked with local businesses and other blogging groups to bring our ideas to life. We wanted to help local businesses with their digital marketing efforts. So we organized social media training sessions and went on to win a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines (through the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund) to implement our #GoSocial program in 4 cities all over the country.
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Fueled by love for what we do and our desire to help, we made all these projects possible.
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My heart is full of love and pride for this group. ❤❤❤
May we continue to grow as individuals and as a community in the years ahead.
Happy birthday, IBS! 🥂
Taking this opportunity to thank our members, partners, blogger friends who had been part of our wonderful journey over the years.