Dear young people,
This is a gentle reminder to slow down and not rush through life.
The digital age has apparently made us all think we have to figure life out by the time we turn 30. Maybe because we are constantly bombarded with information — whether we like it or not. There are multitudes of things to accomplish and a gazillion of lifehacks to help us. The countless success stories everywhere, while inspiring, could also sometimes lead us to somehow question our capabilities.
“Why am I still stuck here, instead of traveling the world as I plastered on my vision board decades ago? Why do I not have my own home yet, or car, or any form of tangible investment? How come this 5-year-old kid is earning tons of money on YouTube while I barely have a hundred views on a video I spent two weeks editing? Teens, who are still in high school, are making names for themselves as advocates of the environment? Why is he/she/it (?) more successful than I am?”
At one point or another, we might cave in to societal pressure of having it all — a loving partner and maybe a kid or two, great friends you keep in touch with, successful career, fat bank account, and healthy mental and emotional state… all while being socially relevant and ‘woke’ on social media.
In this post:
on Hustle Culture

Plus there’s this millennial thing with hustle culture. It could be a reflection of the current state of the economy or probably the pressure to glamorize work (“for the ‘gram”), but it feels like it’s no longer enough to work from 9 to 5. Now, you have to love it and live for it. And have side hustles, and volunteer and give back to the community, and maintain an active social life and social media life.
“Find your passion. Follow your dreams. Change the world. Find meaning in your life. Don’t stop when you’re tired; stop when you are done.” #Hustle #DailyGrind #WerqIsLife
Don’t get me wrong. I do love my work, and I have workaholic tendencies when I’m in the zone (which is probably more times than I’d care to admit). I find joy in checking items out of my task list. I’m all for productivity and all that. I’m definitely NOT saying y’all should quit your jobs and pursue your passion or just slack off at work because it’s not worth it. I’m just saying, slow down.
on Self-Care

Slow. Down.
Take time to breathe and figure things out. Sit in silence. Pause. Really listen to what your gut tells you. Honor your needs.
In this day and age when being busy is often glorified, rest is considered a luxury or even a guilty pleasure — when self-care should never be a source of guilt. Self-care is never selfish, my dear young people. Remember: we can’t serve from an empty vessel. We can’t give our all if we don’t take good care of ourselves first — physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially. Self-care is still the best care.
Next Steps
Okay. So a piece of advice from this 35-year-old tita to “slow down” may be very vague and easier said than done. So let’s spell it out. What’s the next step?
- Be anchored to your Why. I know it may sound even vaguer, but you should know your why — your motivation, your life purpose. This is personal. Dig into your heart of hearts and listen carefully. Why do you do what you do? Why do you want to be what you’re trying to be? Cliche as it is, when you know your ‘why,’ your ‘what’ has more impact, and you can endure any ‘how.’ When you’re anchored to your life purpose, it’s easier to know what things to prioritize or what can stay in the backburner in the meantime.
- Set boundaries. Start small. Say, no more working coffee breaks from now on. Step away from whatever is keeping you busy and go enjoy your cup of coffee in silence or with a friend (whatever makes you happy.) Stay off the internet and savor every sip of coffee. Then go back to your #hustle with fresh eyes and renewed energy.
- Focus on yourself. Respect your me-time. Say “no” if you have to. Repeat this mantra if you have to: Self-care is never selfish.
- Set SMART goals for yourself. Of course, self-care is not all rest and relaxation. It’s also allowing yourself to grow and be the best version of yourself. But what does ‘best version’ mean to you? Have an honest assessment of yourself and figure out what you need to do to get to where you need to be. Break down your big goals into bite-sized doable action steps, and just live one day at a time. Focus on what you can do today that will bring you closer to the future you want and deserve.
- Enjoy your journey. And lastly, don’t forget to enjoy life. Take it easy, don’t stress too much, and cut yourself some slack. You are only human and bound to make mistakes once in a while. Just dust yourself off, learn your lesson, and more importantly, forgive yourself. You are not meant to just survive life, you’re supposed to live it. So live boldly, laugh loudly, and love truly.
“Don’t take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway. Smile. Be goofy. Take chances. Have fun. Inspire.” ~Dawn Gluskin