Hello, December! It’s that time of the year again — the perfect time to review the year that is about to end as we look forward to the new year ahead. As someone who is getting started as a full-time online freelancer, you know that you need a plan of action to successfully plan and build a career out of freelancing. As a digital practitioner myself (for 10 years now, by the way!), I always take time before the year ends to revisit my goals and set new ones for the coming year. I came across a couple of relevant blog posts, and I’m sharing with you my take on goal setting to stay ahead in 2020.
In this post:
Why is Goal Setting Important?
Goal setting is important because it brings us clarity. Visualizing a successful outcome helps us understand what steps to take to make it happen. April Greer, Director of Projects at Reliable PSD, shared some valuable tips on setting freelance business goals. According to her, she sets her business goals based on her set criteria: specific; a healthy mix of short-term, long-term and ongoing; and a little scary. She also recommends setting goals based on income level, acquiring new clients, good business policies, and involving the community by paying it forward.

An article in Hustle & Co written by Dennis Williams II, LinkedIn Top Voice in marketing, discussed business goals and practices that make freelancers successful. He said that a successful freelancer sets realistic career and financial goals and holds himself accountable, keeps a solid system for productivity and organization, and continuously measures progress and client expectations. He stresses that how you approach your goals should also align with where you intend to steer your career.
What You Should Do Now
Based on the blog posts above and my own experience as an online freelancer, here are 3 things for you to consider as you set your freelance business goals for 2020:
1. Set Realistic Goals
Be clear about what you want to achieve. List short-term, long-term and ongoing SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-Bound) based on your desired income level, number of clients, business policies, and even plans of paying it forward to the community.
2. Measure Your Progress
Be intentional in your planning and set up systems that will keep you accountable to achieve your goals.
3. Reset Your Goals (for better results)
Of course, don’t forget to set new goals as you move forward to help your freelance career progress beyond the short-term.
Understanding what you really want to achieve and identifying what you need to do to achieve will bring you closer to your digital career goals. Start 2020 right and start to dream, plan, and get ready to act!
So… what’s next for you?